
Generate background CSS rule with SVG as data URI using Sass

Highly likely you’ve heard of data URIs. It’s a way of including a resource inside your CSS. No extra separate HTTP request is then needed. The format that you use in a data URI can vary. Essentially you just tell it what content type it is (e.g. image/png), semicolon, then the data of that file.

Using svg as a background is great. However, preparing base64 encoded data to embed svg inside your CSS is a bit tricky. I have used Sass for that purpose thanks to Here is the cod[……]

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Adding Tags in Google Tag Manager and blocking trackers

Today’s day quite a lot of users are using different solutions to keep their privacy on a good level. However, that means that when the page is loaded some content will never be loaded as they are being blocked by ad/trackers blockers.

So, if you’re using Google Tag Manager and add tags then everything that is being triggered there will not work when Google Tag Manager will be blocked.

For example, using Brave browser Google Tag Manager is blocked by default. See:

Brave Browser cross-site trackers blocked

I’d recommend to check if you need to trigger anything inside Google[……]

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3 things you should know when you want to add your changes to the stage using Git

You want to add your changes to the stage using Git? Here we go:

  • git add -A. It adds all files to the stages.
  • git add .. It adds new and modified, but without deleted files.
  • git add -u. It adds to the stages modified and deleted, but without new files.

Then commit using: git commit -m "Here is a commit message".


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Overestimating some of today’s programming features

I see a some people are fascinated by ES6/TypeScript/React (and the like)/Babel/Webpack features. However, not all the gold that shines. Let me explore couple of areas from my perspective and experience.

ECMAScript 6

Arrow functions

One of the most feature that I have no idea what was the purpose of invention. Most of the opinions says that it simplifies the code and solves the problem with this context. While I appreciate solving the problem with this then I strongly disagree that it simplifies the code. The main objection is that I c[……]

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Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group

I’ve just joined to the Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group as this matches perfectly to the work I am doing on ASLint. The Automated WCAG Monitoring community group, founded in 2014, is a W3C community with the focused to develop reliable rules for WCAG testing, both automated and semi-automated. The group goal is to assist developers of test tools to improve the accuracy and completeness of their tools.[……]

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Why attribute alt is important?

alt attribute is still mostly missing, misused or misunderstood what is for. Let me summarise it why alt attribute is important.

  1. Adding alternative description of the image is one of the most important principle of web accessibility. This allow users to understand the image context when using assistive technologies, e.g. screen reader.
  2. alt content is visible while image is loading.
  3. alt content is visible when image is not available.
  4. alt content is visible for text-only browsers.
  5. alt content is important for search en[……]

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Thoughts on digital accessibility automation tests


Awareness of web accessibility is slowly growing, which is good. I remember the time when almost nobody was knowing what accessibility is in the web world. Today’s day it is changes. We think more about accessibility and want to fix the problems. This can be done manually and automatically. Just to be clear – automation tests doesn’t cover all scenarios and probably never will do. However, it helps to catch the issues that sometimes our eyes can’t see.

The software development every day brings changes and because of that it i[……]

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