Let’s say we have an example of code like this:


    function close_window() {
        if (typeof self.close === 'function') {
    // and somewhere in the code above method is called many times

    function some_action() {
        // here some code


Note: method close_window could be written in a better way, but in that case I wanted to show just a simple example.

Some time later someone did more changes and then after all the code may looks like:

if (!window.myNamespace) {
    window.myNamespace = {};

    var self = window.myNamespace;

    // tons of code here
    function close_window () {
        if (typeof self.close === 'function') {
    // and somewhere in the code above method is called many times

    function some_action() {
        // here some code


Note: self is just used here as a reference to object window.myNamespace. It’s just like in PHP where the self refer to the current class. In this case our class represent just object window.myNamespace.

Ok, you may ask: “So what about those changes?“.

Well, previously you expected that calling close_window will close current window. However, after changes you will notify that something went wrong. Closing window stopped working, but previously everything was fine. When you open the browser console then you may notify error TypeError: self.close is not a function.

So, what’s happened?

In case of self.close(); browser script “engine” will search through the scope chain (up to the global object; window in browsers), until an self-named function is found. If somebody (for any reason, e.g. accidentally) defines an self elsewhere in the scope chain, it will be called instead. That’s why using full reference to object (in our case we calling function to close current window) will guarantee that we’ll call what we expect.

So, the right version should be:

    // "global" represent "window" object in browsers

    function close_window() {
        if (typeof global.self.close === 'function') {
    // and somewhere in the code above method is called many times

    function some_action() {
        // here some code


And now you can use var self = 'whatever you want'; at the top of current scope. So, the benefits to use full reference to specified object is not only that this may prevent for some errors like described above, but it is even faster execution since browser do not have to go through all scopes to find specified object.


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